Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I've been working at presentations and neglecting my blogging - so often the out of site is out of mind when you're rushing around to do 15 different things at once! I will admit, in the beginning of the year I swore I would do a blog post at least once a week. However, that has not happened. Must reformat my ideas of what to blog....

However, what have I been doing? Presenting to students on how to focus with research:

I've been talking about restorative justice to teachers - a part of 21st century learning, I believe.

I'm on the BYOD committee at my school and using popplet to show issues and solutions for adopting a policy such as that:

Plus, there was the presentation using the popplet I made on YA lit I linked in my last entry. Kids love that and it makes me feel organized!

Plus reading piles and piles of YA lit - I'm currently in the middle of the Chronicles of Nick series. Soon - book reviews!


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